Understanding Shadow Mapping


Understanding Shadow Mapping

Have you ever wondered how shadows are created in realistic 3D 먹튀신고 environments in video games or virtual reality? Shadow mapping is a technique that plays a crucial role in rendering shadows in a three-dimensional space. Let’s dive deeper into the world of shadow mapping and explore how it works.

Understanding Shadow Mapping

What is Shadow Mapping?

Shadow mapping is a technique used to cast shadows in a 3D environment by using depth maps from the perspective of a light source. This process involves rendering a scene from the point of view of the light source to calculate the depth values of all the objects visible to the light. These depth values are then stored in a texture known as the shadow map.

Shadow mapping is essential for creating realistic lighting effects in virtual environments, adding depth, and enhancing the overall visual quality of a scene.

How Does Shadow Mapping Work?

Shadow mapping works by comparing the depth values of objects in the scene with the depth values stored in the shadow map. When rendering the final image from the perspective of the camera, each pixel is checked against the corresponding pixel in the shadow map to determine if it is in shadow or not.

If the depth value of a pixel in the scene is greater than the depth value stored in the shadow map, it means that the pixel is in shadow. Conversely, if the depth value of a pixel in the scene is less than the depth value in the shadow map, the pixel is considered lit by the light source.

This process is repeated for every pixel in the scene to accurately calculate the shadows cast by objects in the 3D environment.

Types of Shadow Mapping

There are several variations of shadow mapping techniques used in computer graphics to achieve different levels of realism and performance. Let’s take a look at some common types of shadow mapping methods:

Basic Shadow Mapping

Basic shadow mapping is the most fundamental technique used to render shadows in a 3D environment. It involves rendering the scene from the perspective of the light source and creating a shadow map that stores the depth values of objects in the scene.

While basic shadow mapping is relatively simple to implement, it can suffer from issues such as aliasing and light bleeding, resulting in jagged edges and unrealistic shadow artifacts.

Percentage-Closer Filtering (PCF)

Percentage-Closer Filtering (PCF) is a technique used to improve the quality of shadows produced by shadow mapping. PCF works by sampling multiple points around a pixel in the shadow map and averaging the depth values to determine whether the pixel is in shadow or not.

By taking multiple samples from the shadow map, PCF can reduce the jagged edges and produce softer, more realistic shadows in the rendered scene. However, PCF can be computationally expensive and impact performance.

Variance Shadow Mapping

Variance Shadow Mapping is a technique that aims to address the issues of aliasing and light bleeding in basic shadow mapping. Instead of 먹튀신고 storing depth values in the shadow map, variance shadow mapping stores the mean and squared mean of depth values to calculate the variance of depth at each pixel.

By using variance shadow mapping, shadows in the scene can have smoother transitions and reduced artifacts compared to basic shadow mapping techniques. However, variance shadow mapping may require additional computation to calculate the variance values, which can impact performance.

Understanding Shadow Mapping

Implementing Shadow Mapping in OpenGL

Implementing shadow mapping in OpenGL requires several steps to create and render shadows in a 3D environment. Let’s break down the process of implementing shadow mapping in OpenGL:

Step 1: Creating the Shadow Map

The first step in implementing shadow mapping is to create the shadow map texture that will store the depth values from the perspective of the light source. This involves rendering the scene from the point of view of the light source and storing the depth values in a texture.

In OpenGL, you can create a depth texture by attaching a depth render buffer to a frame buffer object (FBO) and rendering the scene from the perspective of the light source to generate the shadow map.

Step 2: Rendering the Scene with Shadows

Once the shadow map has been created, the next step is to render the final scene from the perspective of the camera while considering the shadows cast by the objects in the scene. This involves sampling the depth values from the shadow map and comparing them with the depth values of the scene to determine which pixels are in shadow.

In the fragment shader, you can calculate the shadow factor by comparing the depth value of the current fragment with the depth value stored in the shadow map. This shadow factor can be used to attenuate the intensity of the light and produce realistic shadowing effects in the rendered scene.

Step 3: Applying Shadow Mapping Techniques

To improve the quality of shadows in the scene, you can apply techniques such as Percentage-Closer Filtering (PCF) or Variance Shadow Mapping to reduce artifacts and enhance visual fidelity. These techniques involve sampling multiple points from the shadow map and filtering depth values to achieve smoother shadow transitions.

By implementing these shadow mapping techniques in OpenGL, you can create realistic lighting effects and enhance the overall visual quality of your 3D environment.


Shadow mapping is a powerful technique used in computer graphics to render realistic shadows in a 3D environment. By understanding how shadow mapping works and implementing different shadow mapping techniques, you can create immersive and visually stunning virtual worlds in video games and simulations.

Whether you are a game developer, graphics 먹튀신고 programmer, or a curious enthusiast, shadow mapping offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of 3D rendering and lighting effects. Experiment with shadow mapping in your projects and discover the endless possibilities it brings to the realm of computer graphics.